HUC stands for Hydrologic Unit Code. You can goto our interactive map to see the HUC borders and find out the corresponding code at the location of interest. You can also search online for how to find HUC for your streams of interest, example link .

The results indexed here are available for most of the HUC2 and HUC4 Basins. Some basins were not run successfully, please reach out to us, if you don't have it here. For any other HUC levels, feel free to run the code yourself to generate the clusters and the map. The code used to generate these files are in TODO: Placeholder for the final repo.

The filename convention is:
Where HucName is the name for the HUC Basin without any spaces, series can be ams for Annual Maximum Series, and pds for Partial Duration Series. N is the number of days for the event (currently only 1 day event is available). And the cluster can be average for the average of all events, and cluster-N for Nth cluster. Each basin has a file which is just a uniform precipitation over the basin, for baseline comparision.

Image File Name Basin Name HUC Series Duration Cluster Filesize (kB)
Image File Name Basin Name HUC Series Duration Cluster Filesize (kB)